Websites are ranked in Google and Bing search results based on metrics in algorithms where bot crawlers identify the best content to showcase for a particular search. The search engine optimization strategies and aspects of web pages will boost the overall website’s ranking in the search engine. According to Google, one such metric is page load time. Faster page load time is directly correlated to users spending more time on the page.
For most client-side rendering websites or apps, the browser makes a request to the server, which responds with the HTML file without content until the browser fetches all elements. This means that the user sees a blank page until the content is fetched and compiled before it is displayed.
CSR uses the slow initial load to help the subsequent pages to load fast. CSR communicates with the server only for run-time data. For most single-page applications, it ultimately puts the web pages lower in search page results.
Dynamic loading of the root element on the server will solve most problems for SEO. This was our solution for our brands that use angular headless commerce solutions. Now with SSR , users and search engines can see meaningful content and site preview. After angular is loaded and takes over the page, the app will work as expected. This reduces overall load time and helps the crawler read the site better.
With Server Side Rendering, when the user clicks on a link, the browser makes a call to the server, and the server provides a rendered website to the client. The client's Javascript bundle then allows the single-page framework to operate and render the full page.
The Angular Universal technology renders Angular applications on the server. (Reference: We can get it with the @angular/platform-server package.
An Angular application executes in the browser, renders pages in the DOM in response to user requests from the browser. Angular Universal runs on the server, generating static application pages that get rendered on the client-side. This reduces overall load time, and the user views the application elements before it becomes 100% interactive. This makes it accessible to search engines and third-party social media services.
Basically, we will be generating two builds - one for the browser and one for the server.
To add Angular Universal to your app:
ng add @nguniversal/express-engine/clientProject
The above command adds/modifies the below files:
Next step, we build the client and server for the app. The build process is different for both client and server, as both these platforms are different. Once the build is over, we can see two sub-folders for client and server under the ‘dist’ folder.
Next thing we need is a Node.js server to perform the below functions:
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